Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Fun Times With Finn - Swimming

1 comment:

The Sharpes said...

Hi Keri
Andrea here, from Kelowna days!
How are you. Kyra sent me the link to your site. Looks like you guys are on quite the adventure.

I am doing well. Right now I am living in Victoria, I am a high school teacher. I teach English and History. I am taking a few years off though to take care of my little boys. Marshall just turned two and Harris is six months old.
I am still married to Gord, it has been ten years! We lived in Winnipeg for five years, and then came back here to Victoria three years ago. We are getting ready to move to Belgium next month for three years. Gord will be working at the NATO headquarters in Mons. We are really excited and I thought of you guys when this came up.
I noticed you are on your way back to Canada thouh...too bad. I was hoping we could meet up. We get to Belgium July 20th.
Anyway, drop me a line when you get a chance.