Sunday, June 23, 2013

Building, Walking, and Relaxing at Burg Bilstein

Happy Hiking (Smile Reece!) At Burg Bilstein

Singing and Dancing at Burg Bilstein - parents and their children!

Robert's Class Spends the Weekend In A Castle (Burg Bilstein)

Virtual Tour of Burg Bilstein (Click here to take a virtual tour of the castle)

Burg Bilstein is a real castle (and now hostel) that is located just 1 hour east of Köln (Collogne). On June 22-23 Robert's whole class (minus 2 students) and their families went on a class trip (all privately planned and funded) to spend some time together to hike, sing, dance and celebrate the end of Grade 2.  Coming from all areas of the world, from different religious perspectives, and different racial and ethnic backgrounds, we found common understanding. That is something in itself to be celebrated!