Sunday, February 19, 2006


Check out these girls that are spending time with me. Wow, I am a lucky guy!

Four Generations Sitting in a Row

Granny is enjoying dinner with her daughter, her grandson and her great-grandson

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Uncle Roberto - How Art Thou?

Whilst in a moment of philosophical debate with my uncle, we started to quote Sheakesphere. We just changed it from "Oh Romeo, Oh Romeo" to Oh Roberto, Oh Roberto".

Check Out His Breath!

Yikes, someone get this cute doggie a mouthwash bone. He is cute but he insists on licking my face and soother and the smell is something else. Maybe I should lick him back ; )

That's My Grandma Deary

Yes, Grandma Deary has some pretty funny jokes to tell and this one really cracked me up. Has she told the one about the chicken that crossed the road? Ok, well I will let her tell you then.

Spending Time With Papa Dave!

Yes, spending time with Papa Dave was really fun. Here I am in my highchair and he is reading me a story. Actually, he tried to read me a story but I grabbed the book out of his hand. Books are great not just for reading but also for chewing on, throwing and banging on the table.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Three Generations of Boys

Yes, here I am with my dad and my grandpa in Phoenix, Arizona. They are giving me the best seat in the house and boy is the view ever great from up there. They certainly seem to be having fun and enjoying holiday with family, friends and a couple of games of golf.